Monday, July 7, 2008

Fun Fridays!

As you know, last Friday was the 4th of July! This is always one of my favorite holidays and this year was no exception! We kicked things off by heading to the SC Peach Festival in Gilbert, SC. This was my first time attending the festival, and while I was disappointed that there was no one dressed up in a huge peach costume-- I did have a great time. We sampled all the peachy things they had to offer, and the peach ice cream was definitely my favorite!

After eating our way through the festival (and when the temp reached at least 1,000 degrees), we headed back to Cola town and had some BBQ and swimming fun at Aunt Marsha's, followed by more BBQ and swimming fun at Micky's parents house.

Due to a much needed rain storm we were unable to shoot fireworks Friday night, but shot them off Saturday night! And Emma, who is the best baby sleeper I've ever seen, was able to sleep through the war zone I call "Nano's fireworks!"

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