Wednesday, July 2, 2008

1+1= 2, so...

logically, this must also be true:

(back story)
Micky brought Chloe home some "big kid" toothpaste today.

Due to fluoride concerns Chloe has never used any toothpaste other than Oral-B Toddler-- has no fluoride so it's ok if she swallows the whole tube! Well, she's had the whole spitting thing mastered for some time now (I'm thinking about a year!), so Dad decided it was time to move on up. Well, Chloe was pumped about this and even more excited when she saw that it was blue and sparkly.

(this is where her great logic kicks in, and I think I may owe her if we actually get to take a trip because of this exchange!)

Micky: "Let's try your new toothpaste Chloe"
Chloe: "Thanks Dad, it's so cool!"
M: "Remember you have to be sure to spit this out."
C: "I will Dad. This is big kid toothpaste right?"
M: "Right."
C: "I'm 4 now so I can use it."
M: "That's right, you're a big kid now."
C: "Yep. And now I get to go on an AIRPLANE!"

So, if you're using big kid toothpaste, it's time to take that airplane ride. Oh, and if you tell your kid they can do certain things when they're bigger-- like go on an airplane-- I can promise you they'll never forget it! I like the way this kid thinks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey... tell Chloe I'm all in for a plane ride!! :-)

Aunt Wendy