Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The "Perks" of 4 year-old life!

Yesterday was Chloe's fourth birthday, and I still can't believe that we've had this sweet angel in our lives that long! She had a fantastic day and wasted no time telling everyone she saw that it was her birthday! Her school is having "Summertime Fun" this summer on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so this is probably the only year that she'll actually get to go to school on her birthday (unless year-round school comes a calling--boo). So, we definitely had to take some cupcakes for her class to celebrate with at snack time. Chloe got to pick everything out- so we took strawberry cupcakes with rainbow chip icing and Little Mermaid and Flounder sticks in them. It was the first time I'd ever tasted strawberry cake and it was surprisingly good! Chloe's Grammy picked her up from school and we all went to Chuck E Cheez for lunch. That's where Chloe started pointing out things that "only 4 year-olds get to do." There's a big tunnel playset that's pretty high up that she's always been scared to try, but as soon as she saw it she said, "You have to be 4 to do that." And off she went! After using all her tokens she had 60 tickets, and of course she picked a lizard and snake for her prize. She felt she needed to inform us that "only 4 year-olds get GREEN snakes." She spent the day doing things that "only 4 year-olds" can. Like dancing in her new ballerina outfit (from Grammy and Papa) to her new "Princess Dance" game (from Nonnie and Nano). I think she had a great birthday and the partying will continue throughout the week! We're having an Ariel party with a waterslide this weekend. She's invited some of her school friends to share in the fun! That should be interesting! I'll put some pics up as soon as I can-- can't wait to see all those cuties having a blast!

Got some great birthday love from "my Nina" :-)

taking out the shark heads at Chuck E's place (she was defending your honor Wendy!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha!! Thanks Chloe! Love you, Aunt Wendy!