Thursday, June 12, 2008

Don't Hassel the Hoff

As I was preparing these pics to post here, I was trying to think of a cute title to enter. When I went to type it in, somehow my cursor had moved to my Google search bar and when I typed in beach baby, up popped lyrics to the David Hasselhoff hit "Beach Baby". You can imagine my surprise, seeing as how I thought he only produced songs in the German language. (Mom- apparently the Germans love him and his music spends like 49 weeks out of the year at #1 there)
:-) But anyway, I think seeing Emma on her very first beach trip is far better than any Hoff song that may have sat atop the charts in Germany last year! Check out the REAL beach baby!

Our first day, Emma's first time on the beach!

Chloe showing Emma that "the water doesn't hurt a bit. See?!?"

Emma's first dip. We think she liked it.

Chillin' with Dad in the cool tent he put up just for her!

Surfer Girl decided to take a break from riding the waves and hangout with little sis for a bit :-)

Grammy's got the good stuff!

Love those curves!

Being so cute is exhausting!

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