Friday, April 18, 2008

A Fungus Among Us

Last night Chloe and I (along with her Nonnie, cousin Reagan, bestest friend Nina, and her mom Carla) went to see the Disney Princess on Ice show. Trust me, you've never seen so many princess dresses in your life! The girls loved it-- even the fire breathing dragon... on ICE! didn't bother them. They had a blast, and were completely juiced up on snacks and the $50 cotton candy! (obviously I'm exaggerating, but I bet it'll reach that price soon!) I've got some pics to share, and if you're trying to figure out what that is on the ice-- Chloe picked it up in no time. Her first words upon seeing the ice setup (which was a sea setting) were, "Oh no, there's some fungus here!" I told her her Dad would be so proud! I love my nerds :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, I bet yall had so much fun! Nerdness must run in the family! :)