Thursday, September 6, 2007

What's been happening!

I figured before I could write too much about things coming up, I should probably update everyone on what's been going on. So~Micky--he's been crazy busy at work (both a blessing and a curse), but he truly loves what he does. We recently purchased the building that houses his office space and 2 other spaces and have started construction/remodeling of one of the larger spaces to make it Micky's offices future home. Anyone who's been through a construction project knows of the headaches that can accompany it--so please pray that he/we can survive the next few months without taking each others (or the construction company's) headoff! Luckily, we tend to balance each other out pretty well--I'm usually the crazed, "the sky is falling", I think we'll go bankrupt kind of person, whereas Micky is the "it's all going to be fine, just relax" kind of person. Carolina Football season has finally arrived and we're both excited about that (Micky moreso than I). I don't think I'll make too many games at the end of the season--those seats don't generally accomodate an 8-month pregnant lady--I can't believe there's nowhere to elevate your feet! Speaking of pregnant ladies, I'm doing quite well. This pregnancy has been so different than the first (no nausea, vomiting, or other miserable moments!). I think God knew that I couldn't be sick like that and take care of Chloe! I am however still waiting for that supposed "burst" of energy that should have accompanied the second trimester--but so far has seemed to escape me. I'll stay on the lookout for it! Chloe started back to preschool this week. This year, in the 3year old class, she will go three days a week (9-12)--which will be a huge blessing when our new baby joins us. Chloe's doing great and still continues to amaze us every day. We seem to think she's the only kid who's ever done some of this crazy stuff--but to us she's truly amazing! I'll try to share some of her more interesting stories in later posts. For now, I'll leave you with one of her most recent discoveries--the drain cap in the bathtub. She tried to send one of her toy lizards (yes, she likes lizards and all types of fake bugs) home the other night while she was in the tub. I left her playing with the lizard (for like 5 seconds I promise!) and when I came back in, the lizard was nowhere to be seen and she informed me that she let it go home and pointed to the drain. Well, this led to Micky having to break out the toolbox and me breaking out the camera! It's hard to fuss at someone when you're crying through laughter! The lizard escaped unharmed (and surprisingly clean), but I think she got the message that nothing goes "home" in the drain cap!

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