Sunday, September 23, 2007

Goodbye to Summer!

So~according to the news I got from the great Ben Tanner (whom I place complete faith in on whether or not I need an umbrella), today is the first day of fall. Well, you could have fooled me--with the 97 degree temp I saw in my car around 3pm today! But, hey, we still tried to send summer off with a bang this weekend. One of Chloe's favorite people, her aunt Christy, came home from college this weekend. I told Chloe Friday morning she would be coming to visit and Chloe's first words were,"So she's done with college?". I tried to explain that no she'd be going back on Sunday, but I could tell she wasn't listening--her mind was already reeling with all of the things she was going to do with aunt Christy that afternoon! Christy did indeed stop by for ~30 minutes Friday and of course Chloe tried to cram 3 weeks worth of play into that time! She greeted Christy with a heroes welcome--you know, the long run to her with arms open wide yelling, "Tristy, Tristy!"(we still have difficulty with the Ch sound!) They drew with chalk, played chase, played hide & seek, and Chloe pitched a fit for them to read books together! Chloe didn't care that she was going to spend all afternoon Saturday at Christy's house--she was determined to get it all in right then.
Saturday was a bit crazy. We had all the normal "Saturday chores" to do, plus Micky & I were getting ready to go to 2 parties. First we hit a couples shower for Micky's college buddy Brad and his future bride. It was a really nice shower and all I can say is, anywhere that has a chocolate fountain is a great place to be! I guarded that fountain like a great Palace Guard and was able to use my pregnancy as an excuse for "needing" so much chocolate. Truth is, I'd have done the same thing non-prego! I love chocolate! From there we dropped in at a bday party for a friend of ours that we went to Vegas with last year. It was another great party with terrific food and an open bar--let me tell you what--that ginger ale rocked!!!
Today Chloe worked in a bike ride, which means she pushes with her feet on the ground-not pedals, and got some good rocking time in on the porch with Nana at lunch! Another of Chloe's fav people, aunt Beka, came back from LA yesterday and we got to see her today and Chloe got some great prizes! The Sleeping Beauty apron is currently laying beside her in bed!

Too bad we have to get up early for school tomorrow--I think she'd sleep until 9 after such a busy weekend! Hey, we're ready for fall now. I'm sure the 89 degree high tomorrow will feel like an arctic blast!

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