Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Second Verse!

If you saw Chloe's end of year school program post, you know how much of a hit "You Are My Sunshine" is in this house. (If you didn't, click on the videos section to the left and watch Chloe belt it out!) Well, it seems this song is Emma's favorite as well. Generally, the only time she fusses in her car seat is when she's tired. We've discovered that if we sing this song she immediately stops crying and will turn her face into her car seat and try to go to sleep. It's pretty neat to watch-- and if you stop singing before she's asleep she quickly lets you know. Last week we went to dinner at a friends house about 20 minutes away. The ENTIRE ride home Chloe and I took turns singing-- and no other song would do, trust me! You may not know this but the second verse is better than the first! Now I could be biased because I made it up when Chloe was a baby and would sing it while rocking her to sleep every night. But I think I should get a copyright for this straightaway!
(to the tune of "You Are My Sunshine" , the second verse!)

The other night now while you were sleeping
I closed my eyes and I softly prayed
Oh please Lord watch over my dear sweet Chloe
Please don't take my sunshine away

Feel free to substitute your child's name and watch him smile with delight at having a song sang just for him!

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