Monday, September 29, 2008

Her Bodyguard

It took Emma and Clyde a few months before they paid any attention to each other, but now they are best buds! (I think at first Clyde was trying to pretend that it was all a dream, like, "Oh no, they didn't bring another one home to dress me up and ride on my back!") We thought we might have a little trouble when Emma started crawling-- her favorite place to play and crawl is also Clyde's favorite place to lay and sleep. But it has been no problem, he's actually been very accommodating and will move to another rug when she comes to play or he'll just lay there and let her poke and prod him (all under the close watchful eye of mom or dad!). And even though he likes to act like he doesn't care--he's not fooling me-- when we let him in from being outside for awhile he has to search the house to find her, and on more than one occasion I've caught him napping outside her bedroom door while she's in there napping! You gotta love that beast!!!

E: "You bend it this way to crawl like me Clyde"

Clyde: "Code Brown over here-- this could get ugly!"

Emma: "Clyde if you just put your back against mine we can sleep sitting up. Awesome!"

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