Friday, August 22, 2008

Fun Fridays!

Today's Fun Friday post is about something that both pleases me greatly and makes me a little sad. INDEPENDENT PLAY!!!! I love that Chloe has such a great imagination and can play by herself for hours, but I hate that the more she does it means the more grown-up she's becoming. I'm guessing soon she'll have her door shut with a DO NOT DISTURB sign on it--just kidding-- NOT in this house! She's going to get hugs from me everyday whether she likes it or not! :-) This isn't really all that new for Chloe, she's been doing it since she could walk and talk. But she did regress a little in this when Emma arrived, and wanted us to play with her more than before. Something we understood and tried very hard to fit in our schedules. Well, she's pretty much over it now and will disappear for lengths of time leaving me to have to call upstairs to her and get verbal confirmation that she is in fact still breathing with all of her limbs intact. Her independence does have its downsides. For instance, I tend to stay out of the playroom because seeing the mess usually shocks me and makes me feel like I need to clean it right away. Lucky for me, I'm usually able to fight that feeling and Micky and Chloe will tackle that room together on Saturdays.
Yesterday, Chloe stayed in the playroom for a good part of the day and when Micky went up there last night to work out he found this:
(click on image to view larger)

We've had discussions with her about not putting stickers on furniture, but she assumes anything in the playroom is fair game. That's understandable. This piece of furniture is one that I miss greatly. It's the matching coffee table to our end tables and foyer table downstairs. Obviously we bought this stone death trap with crazy sharp corners before we had children, and it sat in the middle of our rug in the great room. Ever since Chloe could crawl it has been stuck up against the wall in the playroom-- in a spot very unlikely for children to run into it. But apparently in a great spot for placing Dora stickers!

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