Thursday, March 27, 2008

"Saving up for the pet store... think we'll call it 'I got Worms'"--- Lloyd Christmas

So I just got done giving Chloe her afternoon snack, and I discovered she's been studying up on worms. Not sure where, but when I get done typing this you can bet I'll be checking my Google history. The lesson she gave me went a little something like this:

me: Would you like blueberries, strawberries, or a Dora yogurt?
her: chips
me: that wasn't a choice
her: how about an.... apple
me: that'll work
her: just make sure it's not a red one. I don't want to fall asleep like Snow White. I'm not sure when my Prince will be home. (Micky is of course the Prince)
me: ok. we'll go with green then.
her: does it have worms?
me: of course not
her: well, we might need some just in case we go fishing.
me: -blank stare peeling the apple-
her: you know, red worms help plants grow.
me: -another blank stare-
her: and black worms mean there's somethings wrong
me: that's good to know. where did you hear all that?
her: Little Bear told me
me: of course he did, here's your apple :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Little Bear is a scientific genius. He also taught us how to make phones out of two cans and a string. C