Thursday, December 13, 2007

You serious Clark?

I'm quickly learning that there are indeed times when I just need to nod my head and say, "Is that right?". This is my #1 response when faced with 3 year-old logic that is extremely difficult to argue with. Those of you with kids know that they never run out of good reasons for why something should happen just the way they think it should. For example, Chloe walked in to the den about 20 minutes ago carrying a plastic golf ball and an apple--and this is the conversation that followed.

me: "Let me guess, you want to go outside and play golf and eat that apple?!?"

Chloe (looking at me as if I were crazy!): "No mom. I's just thinking that since I have this ball I should pwobabwy get a wittle puppy to play with it. And since I have this big apple, I should get a horse. 'Cause horsies wove apples."

me: "Is that right?"

Chloe: "That's what my Nina told me...... So, can we go get them?"

me: "Not today. We've got laundry to do."

That's my way of "creating a diversion"! Yes, there's plenty of laundry to be done--but I don't plan on doing it today, and Chloe happens to love playing in the hamper as I sort clothes--so she dropped the ball and apple and ran to my closet to await the fun! Trust me, I learned long ago not to question the logic of Chloe or what she says her best friend Nina said. All it leads to is 10 minutes of me saying,"that's fine" or "guess so" and Chloe trying repeatedly to convince me by saying,"uh huh, that's right" or "but, but, but..."!!! With this prego belly restricting my breathing these days, I really don't have the breath to go back and forth like that! Eventually (probably when she's 27!) I'll try to explain that if we had a little puppy or a horse, then it would be ok to ask for a ball or apple--not the other way around!


Anonymous said...

Can I refill your eggnog for you? Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere and leave you for dead?

Ross Shealy said...

Better keep her away from peanuts or else she might want an elephant to go with it!