Who doesn't love Ralphie?!? If you've never seen A Christmas Story, don't worry, you'll get your chance! Every year they show it on TBS starting around 8:00 Christmas Eve and it plays on a loop all through Christmas Day. Now, that may annoy some of you, but not us. We're that crazy family who leaves it on that channel all day and night. Occasionally we'll mute it and turn on some Christmas music but that doesn't happen too often.
My favorite character is the mom. I love the way she protects Ralphie when she sugar coats the "fight" story to his dad, the "blue ball" (bowling ball) she gave "the Old Man" for Christmas, and I absolutely crack up every time I think about her breaking that tacky leg lamp!
Anyway~ we had our own personal "Randy" here on Wednesday night.
She's been wanting to wear her pink puffy jacket all season, but it just hasn't been cold enough! Wednesday morning I told her we were going to see the lights at the zoo that night and that she could wear her puffy jacket. Her response was, "It'll be snowing?" (Starting in September she would ask to wear that coat everyday, so I finally told her that it was only for snowy days!) So~ we got her ready to go the zoo--complete with scarf, mittens, tights under her pants-- and as I was putting her shoes on, she actually fell over (just like Randy!) and had to be helped up. I thought I would go into labor right then from all the laughter!
Lucky for us, they had "snow" at the entrance to the zoo and she had a blast getting to see all of the "bewdiful wights" at the zoo with her Daddy, Grammy, Nonnie, Nano, and Uncle Tyler. Merry Christmas!
Oh--and don't shoot your eye out! :-)
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