Tuesday, October 23, 2007

SC State Fair

Last Monday, Micky and I took Chloe to one of my favorite places on earth-- The South Carolina State Fair! Where else can you get a Pronto Pup (corndog for you laypeople), cheese pizza, Fiske french fries--soaked in vinegar, cotton candy, elephant ears, gyros, and of course Trudy's soft serve ice cream?!? All things that I indeed ate during my 2 trips to the fair (we went back after the Carolina game Saturday and ate our way from one entrance to the other side exit!). It's probably a good thing that it's only here for about 10 days or else I could have my own booth there as the largest human being ever! Then again, I could probably get all the pronto pups with mustard that I wanted!! Anyway, we took Chloe last Monday and met up with her best friend Nina and her parents and little brother. I'm the slack mom who forgot my camera, so let me thank Carla for sending me some of the pics she took.

Just chillin' on the firetruck!

Contemplating riding the swings

They decided on the swings, and let me say--this was the best part of the ride for Chloe...before it started. I like to refer to this pic as The Calm Before the Storm! I've never seen her so scared and hope to never again! I was about ready to leap the barricade and push the big red button for the carnie worker so I could get her off. Unfortunately, my belly was in the way of me lifting my leg high enough to jump the fence!

Girl after my own heart--Fiske fries AND cotton candy--yum!!

Chloe's favorite part--petting the animals :-)

If you could see my hands, you'd probably see a pronto pup in one hand and fried mushrooms in the other!

1 comment:

Ross Shealy said...

She was definitely more scared last year on the dragon roller coaster.

By the way, whoever took those photos is amazing...