Monday, October 29, 2007

Blown Away!

Everyone knows that Micky and I are BIG Carolina fans. Always have been, always will be. Now, that's not saying we're psycho about it. We don't paint our chests garnet & black (although I'm sure that would look great on me right now!), and we don't pick fights with people who happen to pull for other teams. We do enjoy cheering for them, and I can't tell you how excited I was when I realized our season tickets were on the side that gets to yell Cocks during the Gaaame--Cocks chant! Where else can you just shout that word out?!? Just teasing, but we will always pull for them and hope that some day we'll get to see them achieve sports greatness! I compare it to my family--who have always pulled for the Braves, even when they were worst in the league (late 80's), and then we finally got to see them win a World Series and they still remain pretty darn good!

Anyway, what I'm about to tell you may not come as such a shock to you, but you can imagine why it blew us away! Last Friday, I picked Chloe up from school and we were on the way to meet Micky for lunch when this conversation took place--it was initiated by Chloe out of the blue:

Chloe: "I like Clempson Tigers."
me: "yeah, they're nice. I like the Gamecocks too."
me: "yeah, I really like the Gamecocks."
Chloe: "I don't like Gamecocks, yeah I don't like 'em."

So, I was a bit shocked, but figured this would pass. We've been talking a lot about Clemson since Chloe's Aunt Christy started going there. And for awhile, she didn't like Tigers (thanks to the mean tiger on The Jungle Book), and we've been convincing her that Clemson Tigers are nice. Apparently, we did too good of a job on that! I didn't tell Micky about it right away. I actually forgot about it until later Friday afternoon when we were checking out at K-mart--the home of the huge pumpkin we had to purchase for Chloe to stuff all of her crayons and magnet letters in later that night! At the checkout they had a ton of Carolina/Clemson "stuff" on display. I chose this time to break the news to Micky. I repeated the above conversation to him while he looked on in utter disbelief! He finished paying then pushed the buggy to me and scooped Chloe up to go look at the Carolina stuff. He handed her a squishy, soft Carolina pillow (the kind we know she loves), and asked her what was on it.
Chloe: "A Gamecock. I don't like Gamecocks!"
Micky: "Well, then, put it back."
She DID! WITHOUT A FUSS! We knew we were in trouble then!
So, we spent the rest of the weekend walking around the house periodically shouting GO GAMECOCKS!--Just to see if she'd repeat it. Luckily she did and seems to have come out of her temporary insanity :-) But, hey, we'll love her just the same if she grows up and decides to go to Clemson--we just won't pay for college! :-)


Anonymous said...

Seems to me you have a pretty smart daughter there :)

Anonymous said...

I hate to tell will pay for college, and you will like it (just ask Steve and Jenny)...C