Saturday, February 7, 2009

R U kdn me?

So, if you thought people driving while talking on their cell phones was dangerous-- how about driving while texting?!? Not saying I've ever done that (not saying I haven't). But it's time to realize that text messaging is taking over all forms of communication. It used to be that only the "kids" were doing it (like Micky's youngest brother and sister and my nieces). Well, now everyone's doing it (like me, Micky, and even his Mom!). And while I used to think it was crazy, I now see that it can be quite fun. I can't tell you how many times a text has brought a smile to my face-- well maybe not the text but the person sending it-- like Christy sending me "Dumb & Dumber" or "Christmas Vacation" quotes, or Carla and I texting silly "Office" comments back and forth. It's just fun! But it was just this week that I realized that this whole texting craze had reached a new level when Micky and I were texting each other Tuesday night (his late night at work). You won't truly appreciate what you're about to read unless you are a "Friends" fan, but just know that Micky and I used to watch that show all the time and it's being able to make each other laugh with these silly comments that makes me love texting. This is what we wrote:

me: How U doin? (like Joey would say)

it took Micky about 30 minutes to respond-- he was at work!

Micky: Could I BE any better? (like Chandler would say)

Yep, we're nerds. I'm just glad we get each others jokes-- makes life easy!

1 comment:

marty said...

I am sad to admit that my screen saver at home has a scrolling marque that says, "How you doin?"